How does Blogging Help With SEO

How does Blogging Help With SEO

Writing blogs for your website is one of the best ways to show the expertise in your niche and provide unique & relevant information to your target audience. They also help in building the authority of your brand and showing why you are different from others. But have you ever thought that blogging can also help you improve SEO results along with organic visibility and traffic? Yes, this is true and for that, you need to do things right while preparing a blog. This post will give you knowledge about what you should do while creating a blog and how it will help improve SEO results.  How blogs can improve SEO results Unique blog name Creativity is what that will make you stand out in the crowd and for that you need to make efforts. Most of the websites that we have encountered have a web page named ‘blog’ where they post blogs n different relevant topics.  But if you ask us, then ‘blog’ is a very common name and everyone uses it. For you to make an impact on SEO with your blogs, you need to rethink the name of that page where all your blogs are. The name should be relevant to the theme or niche of your business so that you won’t end up misleading your target audience.  Now, if you want your blog to have a positive impact on SEO, then try to include your targeted keyword in the blog name. Doing this will help search engine bots to easily identify that your blog section is relevant to the query made by the user and this improves the visibility.  Tempting title for each blog For any blog, the title plays a vital role in deciding whether people will get attracted or not. Most of the audience makes or breaks the decision of reading the blog by just looking at the title. Thus, it should be attractive and interesting enough to tempt people towards it.  The key here is to create such a title that tells your target audience about detailed or deep information in the blog and if it is a unique one, people will love to read.  It is advised to do enough research to create an interesting title because that’s where you will grab the attention of people first. Focus on the target audience with each blog Remember one thing that you cannot include everything in a single blog plus it is also not possible to provide information to the different segments of your target audience in one blog. Thus, you need to create different blogs for a different segment of the target audience and that’s where you will be doing something good for improving SEO. Another reason why it is important to create separate blogs for different audience segments is the use of keywords. Different topics have a different set of target keywords and using them in individual blogs smartly will prevent keyword stuffing, which is a bad SEO strategy.   The more relevant and unique blogs will be there on your site, the more authoritative it will become, and more organic traffic you will receive. If you will post quality blogs with target keywords, they will ensure high visibility on the search engine results pages when a query will be made related to the post. Give attention to the URL structure You might or might not know that the URL structure of each of your blog plays an important role in identifying what is there on the web page by search engine bots. Thus, it is necessary to ensure that it should clearly state what each of your web pages is all about.  Now when we are talking about blogs, thus, each URL of your webpages containing a blog must have a ‘blog’ in the URL for the ease of both bots and users. If you remove it, then it might create a difficulty to access the progress of blogs through analytics.  Another key factor while structuring a URL is to make sure that it is not so long, as it will not be a user-friendly one. So, you must keep it concise taking into consideration that it also tells clearly what is there inside. The key here is to remove conjunctions and make it short. Let’s see an example of that: (Long URL structure) (Short URL structure) The shorter URL structure is more user-friendly plus, it will make people share your content easily. It is also said by experts that shorter URLs tend to rank higher than the longer ones.  Never forget existing blogs Ignoring existing blogs could be a reason for bad SEO as with time the information present in your older blogs tends to become outdated and your site ranking starts to drop down. Thus, you must keep optimizing the existing blogs on your website to keep up with the SEO and ensure a good ranking of your site.  Look for the information that is no longer helpful or in the trend and replace it with the latest one. Doing this will ensure that your blog is again indexed by search engine bots and finding the latest information will rank them accordingly. Never forget to change images that are there in your blog with outdated information.  Interlinking  You must know that interlinking your blog through relevant anchors is also a good strategy for improved SEO. So, it is important for you to consider better internal links within your blog posts. Doing so will give a signal to search engine bots that your website has deep and relevant information on different topics related to your niche and this will surely help improve the site’s ranking.  Another positive impact of interlinking is that it engages people to a site for more time by providing unique & relevant information in detail. And with SEO’s perspective, if users are spending enough time on your site then it has quality information. Thus, it will give you the advantage over others, and what

Rules of Link Building

Rules of Link Building

SEO is important for everything you do on the digital platform to ensure the success of your business. Without SEO, it is very difficult to compete, especially when your competitors are using SEO tactics to make their presence stronger in the digital world.  It won’t be wrong to say that SEO is one of the most important and must-have parts of all digital marketing strategies. The reason behind this is that SEO ensures the visibility of a business online for relevant search queries made by people.  While we are talking about SEO, then you should know that link building is one of the most vital parts of SEO. Link building ensures a wider reach of business online, improved authority, better recognition, and much more. Without link building, it will be just impossible for you to create effective SEO for your site.  To build links, there are certain rules that you need to follow, as avoiding them might become the reason for penalties by Google. This post will be entirely focused on telling you about link building along with the rules that you must follow to avoid being penalized.  What is link building? Link building is a process in which a hyperlink to one’s website is placed on another site of a similar niche. This technique is highly admired by search engine bots of popular search engines like Google and is also an effective SEO tactic. One of the key reasons why link building is so much admired, practiced, and suggested is because it lets internet users to easily navigate between the webpages on the internet. And, the navigation through these links is so specific that people easily find the information they are looking for.  With link building, you need to know that links placed on other websites that drive traffic to your site are known as ‘backlinks’ and the links you have on your website that direct traffic to any of your webpages are known as ‘internal links.’ Both kinds of links have their own importance and both help in improving the reputation of your business and increase web traffic. Let us see some rules that you need to follow during link building.  Rules of link building Great content We always say that you cannot keep content aside, especially with your digital marketing efforts. A quality content created in accordance with SEO is one of the best ways of building links. Everyone wants top-quality content and especially when you want a backlink from a popular & trustworthy site, you need to give something unique & catchy. If you can prepare such content (guest post), no one can take away your quality backlink.  Plus, quality content is also necessary for you to give links to other sites as well, because, you cannot only ask for backlinks, you need to give some as well. It’s also a good SEO practice to do.  Without quality content, you won’t be able to get a quality backlink and even if you get one, the chances of getting traffic through that link are less.  Always remember, to post great content with your backlink, choose a quality site, because that’s how you will get the attention you want. If you want a backlink just for its sake and get it through any website that has no genuine visitors and authority, it’s of no use. The only thing that you’ll get through this is a waste of your resources. So, do enough research to find a quality site relevant to your niche before getting a backlink.  Don’t pay for links The second rule and the most important one is to avoid paying to get any backlinks. This is a bad SEO tactic and is never admired by search engines like Google. Payment is made when you are not able to get a quality backlink through your content and if this is the case, the traffic on your content will not be as you expect, thus, you will not get a significant rise in web traffic on your site.   Remember, the genuineness of your backlink will decide how effective it will be for you and how much authority you will get from search engine bots. Avoid exchanges Rule number three for your link building strategy is, never exchange links. What we mean by saying this is never give a link in return for a link. This is strictly considered a bad SEO practice and if Google bots find it out, the ranking of your site will drop down instead of getting up.  Just like getting paid links, link exchanging is also done when you don’t have quality content that can grab the attention of people. When the audience will not like your content, it doesn’t matter where it is posted, you will not get traffic through the link present in that content copy.   Add site to local listings Having your mention in local listings serve as one of the best backlinks and popular search engine like Google also favors this. Adding your business to the local listing will ensure that it is a genuine one as you will provide a proper address and contact number for people to find you easily.  To ensure that you are benefited from listings, it is also important for you to clearly mention on your website that where people can find you online and link the page to listing having those mentions.  Look for unlinked brand mentions When you start to do well on the digital platform, people start talking about your brand on different platforms. Even you will see your brand mention in several articles over the internet, but the most disappointing part that you’ll experience with your brand mention is that there will be no link.  Now, what you need to do here is to find out mentions of your brand and request the website owner to add a link to your webpage on that mention. This is one of the most effective rules of link building.  Remember one thing, before

How to Ensure Creativeness With SEO-Driven Content Strategy

How to Ensure Creativeness With SEO-Driven Content Strategy

We should say that the digital marketing platform is not as old as other marketing tactics are. But, in a decade, this platform has grown so much that traditional practices have become the second choice for businesses to promote themselves. The popularity & huge audience base of the digital platform has helped it grow so much and undoubtedly this is one of the key reasons as well.  The digital platform is easily accessible and most importantly, people enjoy spending time here, and this makes it a big plus for businesses to attract and interact with the target audience.  But things are not as easy as they sound, it requires some effort to grab attention and maintain that reputation for businesses. One of the most important factors to drive success in the digital world is search engine optimization (SEO). Without SEO, you will not get the desired attention of the target audience neither the visibility on the search results.  Another key factor is the content by which you will explain people who are you and what all you provide. But as we said earlier that it is not as easy as it sounds, similarly, to prepare content you need to strategize things on how you can make it creative so that people stop and see what you want to say. Creative and unique content is something that has a high chance of winning.  It doesn’t matter what you do, creativeness is always admired. Now, here’s something that you should pay special attention to, keeping SEO in mind is important while creating any type of content to ensure visibility, plus, to get the attention you need to be creative as well. Thus, maintaining a balance between SEO and creativeness is a must in the content to get success. This post will tell you how you can stay creative with your SEO-driven content strategy.  How to balance creativeness and SEO while preparing content Most often, it is seen that to be creative people ignore SEO and that’s where they lose the race. We know that creativity and uniqueness are important for content that needs to be posted online but we cannot forget that SEO is important too. Below are some tips that’ll help you maintain a good balance between both SEO & creativity. Seek help from experts Before you start something new, it is always suggested to take help from the experts who have already established their place for that particular thing. Similar is the case with maintaining a balance between SEO & creativity, if you are finding it difficult to do, simply take advice from an expert or even more than one to get a better idea.  You can find and read posts related to your niche written by experts and see how they have maintained a keyword-centric approach while still being creative. Reading such posts properly will guide you a lot about how experts have managed to maintain a balance between those two important parameters for digital marketing and what all they have used in their content that is providing them visibility as well as the attention.  It is suggested to examine as many examples as you can until things become clear to you. Because learning is the best practice to become perfect and you should know that.  Tell stories about leaders Another best thing that you can do to be creative and stay with SEO-driven strategy is, tell inspiring stories of leaders around the world. Here, you need not pick any particular industry, any story that you think can inspire you and people, just share that. While having some stories of the leaders in your business’s niche will be good.  For this, you will require interviewing those leaders to hear directly from them and that might not be an easy task for you to do. Try to interact with them over the phone, email, or even texts if possible. Request them to answer some questions and tell what they feel about them.  You need not find only big guns or someone very popular, rather, just try to find out some of the top experts in your city or area and make efforts to connect with them. For example, if you are running a digital marketing business, try interviewing experts from some of the top-rated digital marketing companies near you. As including their stories and mentioning them could do a great job for you.  Humanize your connection We know, how important keywords are for your digital marketing strategy and what role do they play in any content. But, when your content is boring, it will not get much attention, and eventually, its ranking will drop down. Thus, having an interesting touch in any content is a must to get the attention of your target audience.  One of the best ways by which you can ensure that people will give your content proper attention is by finding the human touch. Show empathy, write in a way that makes readers feel connected, and be helpful & informative. Considering this will make people more engaged while reading the content and you will get a very low bounce rate. To find a human touch in your content, you need to ask why people will search for the topic that you are going to write. Think like your audience and then start writing. In this way, you will be able to make your content more reader-friendly plus, people will understand better. It is always better to start with something that people are facing and how your post will be going to help them with the problem. In this way, readers can analyze that you know what problem they are facing and you have come up with a solution to that.  Multimedia and visuals can help Whether you are writing new content or trying to edit an old post, adding visuals & multimedia can always help. These elements are also considered good by SEO plus, they can make your post creative & interesting as well.  Multimedia

What are the tools for Content Strategies?

What are the tools for Content Strategies_

While performing SEO a fully maintained arsenal tool to provide support in the everyday workflow where technical SEO content tool provides assistance to identify the crucial areas and key areas for technical and content optimization.  Making the right choice for the tool to add your workflow mostly depends on a question that how are you willing to utilize the day? The first step towards identifying any opportunity is content optimization, and then another significant step needed before executing against the opportunity is understanding the context.  Then you need to evaluate the type of data as per the tools providing data to evaluate the level of opportunity: Keyword Planner: Keyword research SEMrush: Immediate, and comprehensive organic review BrightEdge data cube: SERO features, keyword research, and competitor analysis Ahrefs: Competitive content gap Advanced Web Rankings: Share of voice and SERP visibility. The resources provided support as a piece of evidence to strengthen insights: eMarketer: The trends in media that may impact organic search or explain fluctuation in performance caused by non-organic factors. Mintel: Consumer and industry insights Think with Google: Market research insights and data points BuzzSumo: Trending social topics, questions, and related questions. Google Trends: Search trends and identifying search behavior shifts. The Type of Data Needed: Sometimes it is quite dilemmatic to know what the data requirements are and creates an issue where evaluating the reason is not worthy enough to look for data in the first place where you can spend hours in the process of segregation without any realizing it.  Therefore, make a list of needs before devoting hours going deep in the tool you may not be needing.  The Need for Discovery Data:  Evaluating the areas of opportunity where discovery data helps in a landscape through keyword research, site performance indicators, and competitive analysis. The best ground to begin with research target terms, diagnose site performance, understand specific areas of focus, or evaluate the competitive space.  The Need for Supporting Data:  Supporting data strengthens insights found in discovery data by providing additional context and evidence in the landscape or target audience. The dynamics are quite tricky here as the reasons for performance metrics dipped at odd times, the usage of unanticipated search terms or topics, the proof of shifts in traffic patterns, or any such environmental factors that may act as a benefactor to begin website performance.  The significant part is to understand the need for the type of data to easily source to have the idea of what to check.  The Tools for Discovery: Probing in everything you perform is important, you should have an impressive toolset that you can use every day, and before you develop a content strategy you ought to use discovery data to assist yourself comprehend the competitive landscape and opportunity available.   Some are as follows: Keyword Planner: This tool acts as a game-changer for keyword research only if you have access to an active Google Ads account and using the API can be the righteous opportunity from the Google fire hydrant; it is quite simple to use API, but one has to take precautions about the clean-up that is associated with keyword research.  SEMrush: This is the best way to have a comprehensive quick organic overview for competition, performance, and keyword research. For immediate competitor comparison to view a site’s competitive positioning your first stop is putting the domain into SEMrush.  The Domain overview toolkit providing a summary tab with an Organic Search section that acts as assistance in achieving a rapid, high-level view of your site’s performance in the overarching landscape, every section has a summary tab in the API allowing the user to delve into the high-level insights promptly and effortlessly.  The next thing that can be done in SEMrush is the keyword Gap toolkit. The following feature is apt for a thundering review opportunity keywords in a competitive landscape.  In a look you can identify these: Position Filters Device Type Search Volume Competitor Comparisons Terms to include/exclude Weakest Keyword Area Competitor Overlap And then comes the Keyword Magic toolkit providing an easy, quick gauge on how hard or easy it is to improve performance for that query under the Keyword Difficulty metric.  Well in easy words it could be said that optimizing SEO content is selected through the right tools that assist you to identify, access, and provide the data required for evaluating your opportunity as well as to understand the context within which the content strategy will be carried out.  Every tool has its benefits in driving optimization, and as per your surroundings and circumstances will act as a help for you to identify the perfect combination.

How can you handle Plagiarism?

How can you handle Plagiarism_

Plagiarism is a practice of taking someone’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own in simple words. There are common types of Plagiarism like direct plagiarism, self-plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, accidental plagiarism. But if we see plagiarism is bad it is not always bad and threatening, it is believed that if the plagiarizer is linking back to the source. Whereas some plagiarizers become easy victims in the hands of the content writers they hire or employee who copy the content to achieve their aim of completing the assignment.  Plagiarism sometimes occurs due to the lack of information to rectify the differences between copying and reading for knowledge to create one’s content or article which makes the publisher an easy targeted victim for plagiarism. To take that forward, enmity is not an option and it is always dubious to create such scenarios when you might face any mishappening in return so it is advisable to focus on cultivating relationships, achieving goals, and incur profits for the business because it is never beneficial to create a gang of a nemesis for oneself that can affect the work and creativity hand in hand with needless conflicts. Now there is one more problem that might occur is when the DMCA backfires which means immediately reacting on the plagiarizer and creating another land of wrath due to your emotional issues, but if you want to hand this one smartly think like it is business and try to contact to the plagiarizer to comprehend the reason behind the fact.  The best approach to Plagiarism is to politely communicate with them regarding the content and probe about the whereabouts of the content they have gathered from the source. The first approach towards plagiarizers is to communicate with them and request to remove the plagiarized content that they have copied from your content, and then if this approach does not work well, you can reach for legal help against plagiarism and the plagiarizer by filing a complaint in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that empowers to ask Google to remove their pages from their index with a legitimate right to alert the domain name registrar and web host report the infringement on my content and copyrights, and this is to explain about the remedies to the disposal and not to threaten but to take it as a precautionary measure.  You can prevent Plagiarizers by adding no right click script to prevent anyone from manually copying your created content, but that might get problematic when the same activated feature might prevent someone from sharing your content on social media, quoting it, and an article, sharing it through email with friends.  Therefore, the right-click prevention idea is not technically very acceptable for anyone who creates the content on their own.  WordFence is another great idea to stop the bots from stealing your ideas, something useful in WordPress just by blocking them from accessing your content.  Well rules can be set-up automatically to block scrape when they exceed thresholds of numbers of pages requested per minute, and WordFence provides live traffic statistics that can be segmented by IP address, server response code, and other configurations, providing you an opportunity to look the defaulters, as well as identifying the hosts, user agents to block them.  Some companies host malicious scrapers in a routine and with WordFence you can simply block the cloud services which means, blocking a plethora of scrapers per day. Although, Google claims that they have claimed to give attribution to the original content publishers, but it is always advisable to proactively block the scrapers with the WordPress security or bot blocker plugin, and can also hire a team from some well-known brands to monitor content theft by utilizing their services.  So be careful from the world full of Plagiarism and be the superhero to save your content!

How can you combine digital and traditional marketing?

How can you combine digital and traditional marketing

Success needs risks to be taken and if it is anything for long-term goals then innovation, motivation, and unending ideas are mandatory to keep the business going and this acts as a mantra to drive-companies to embrace the latest technology includes both products and services to ensure they do not lack behind in the digital economy. But the only issue is that the martech comes at an expense of repudiate traditional tools- an expensive mistake. Any business to business organization that acts a valuable asset for traditional marketing, with the upcoming technologies that have the art of synergizing traditional marketing with digital marketing is worth becoming proficient in.  There is a digital revolution and has greatly enhanced marketers’ ability to reach, engage, and convert their ideal target audience, and marketing tactics like direct mail, networking, and cold calling are some significant for building a memorable and ultimately, profitable brand. Creating an effective marketing strategy that means creating the best of both worlds by coherent integrating new channels with traditional assets.  So here are some combinations of digital and traditional marketing:  Deep Media Nurturing + Print Media:  The value for developing and nurturing buyers’ relationship as comprehended by successful marketers at every step of the sales funnel and with the passing time the marketers have created a buyer-focused mindset that attracts more sales at lower-costs and adapt to the shifting buyers’ journey.  And with the better enhancement of deep media nurturing omnichannel and an integrated strategy employing a full range of digital assets where marketers are already moving ahead of the strategy. Advertising ads using a programmatic display in digital magazines is an amateur for deep media nurturing tactics.  As known print media is not as distinguished as it used to be where print editions of digital magazines are still in dissemination because the audience looks through them. The goal is to reach multiple media prospects across multiple channels to increase the probability of conversation that means accelerating conversation rates by advertising into the print media and that includes a variety of unique advantages as touchpoints and as far it is considered to be the most flexible when it comes to ad placements. On a whole deep media nurturing depends on crafting and improving customized messaging attuned to the buyer’s journey, print media allows marketers to have granular and focus on their audience and viewers in a niche industry publication with meaningful messages. Geotargeting + Traditional Content Platforms:   Billboard and banners are one of the best examples for the traditional content platforms creating a resurgence in the business to business marketing, by creating brand awareness, reinforce brand messaging, and attracting new audiences. Marketers integrate geotargeting by optimizing the impact of the traditional advertising platform which applies to be a technique determining the geolocation of a website visitor and delivers tailored content to that visitor based on their location that is by pointing at a certain location geotargeting marketers provides a better and improved understanding to comprehend the buyers’ personality through the maps that mean, tracking their journey by enabling them to advertise content to be seen and remembered.  When you place messages in strategic locations creates brand equity in the areas that matter that actually becomes the perfect target can be a sports arena, a conference conquering the capacity of the audience, or a public vehicle heading towards accounts that have headquartered.  What is important? To reach your audience at the right time with the right idea in the right notion at the right place! Marketers can use geotargeting as their compass and leverage location data as a powerful strategy for personalized content outreach.  Conclusion:  During the times of extraordinary technology innovation, few marketers may persuade to abandon the low-tech traditional marketing channels.  Evaluating and strategically deploying each marketing capability in the service of broad marketing objectives by employing a holistic combination of the old and the new to create rich forms of engagement and engrossing to accelerate conversion rates which are from being antiquated to the potential to significantly bolster marketing initiatives.  

Announcement tool in Google Search Console for COVID-19

Announcement tool in Google Search Console for COVID-19

A COVID-19 announcement tool has been released by Google and the tool is available in Google Search Console. In this tool it allows web publishers to create Coronavirus related announcements straight from the Google Search Console without having to use structured data.  Beta Tool, is available through Google Search Console that was previously published an announcement about communicating COVID-19 related announcements through Structured Data. There are certain considerations that are as follows: The tool facilitates health and government organizations. The tool is not meant for news sites. The following announcement should expire within a month. If there is a failure to set an announcement that will automatically result in an expiration of seven days to set an announcement.   Although the announcement marks for the health and organizations, the Google Search Console includes schools as part of it.  Here the Google Search Console tool supports six coronavirus announcement types:  Shelter in place School Closure Travel bans COVID-19 Testing facility Disease spread statistics Other/ general Taking a due notice regarding the fact even if you or your clients are not the “authority website” but it is profitable to be aware regarding the information when being a client you face issues regarding the search marketing professional and it acts to be useful to your community to reach out to local schools and government entities to assure that they are aware of these tools.  With some additional information regarding the tool that is it is actively developed and is expected to expand it which includes more sites and may not show announcements immediately from other sites seeing the mark-up will help us better understand how to expand this feature. Whereas, beyond the special announcements producing a range of other options that sites can use to highlight information such as cancelled events or changes to business hours. The facilities include a closure, rescheduling the events, and the new availability of medical facilities, for instance, testing centres. Google Search uses this information to better understand the content on your web page and show the important announcement to relevant people. 

Local SEO

Local SEO

The main aim of SEO is to improve search engine rankings and help your business gain visibility across the globe. It focuses on gaining organic search results and that is done by adopting white hat SEO practices. Ranksoldier holds expertise in providing the best SEO services with a result-oriented approach.  Most of us often get confused with local SEO and traditional SEO strategies. Though both works to achieve similar goals but have a different meaning. Traditional SEO aims to ensure high SERP rankings globally while local SEO focuses on improving the visibility of your business within your local territory. Thus, if you are looking to be found in local search results and increase reach locally, contact Ranksoldier and see the magic happens.  What is local SEO? Local SEO is a branch of traditional SEO and it aims to promote your business locally within the areas you serve. This helps in making search engine ranking of your business better when people search for the services you provide near them. It won’t be wrong to say that most businesses generate leads and sales from their local customers and this could only happen if people are able to find you easily. For that, you are not required to go anywhere as we are here to do it for you.  What is meant by local SERP ranking? You might have experienced that while searching for something for example ‘best coffee shops’ and ‘best coffee shops near me’, you get different results and that’s where local SEO comes in. While searching for the former one you will get results globally and during your search for the same after adding ‘near me’, the results will be based on the area you are at. In both scenarios, your website will rank differently. Just like global SERP ranking, local SERP ranking is also of very high importance as that is where you’ll get the most of your local customers from.  Thus, it is important for you to appear high on SERP when someone is searching for the service you provide near him/her. This could only be done after targeting and working on those keywords that are being searched locally and providing quality & relevant information.  We know every single tactic of how you can improve your local SERP ranking by utilizing white hat SEO. Our professionals always stay updated about the latest trends to serve clients in the best possible manner. If your local SEO is not good then your competitors will take over your customers, despite having good traditional SEO. So, it is advised to take it as seriously as other practices.  Important elements of local search rankings It is always necessary to hit the right target to get things done effectively and Ranksoldier is admired for doing it every time for every customer. Here are three key factors that should be considered for local search rankings: Reach While we are targeting local customers, we must know how far they are from us and what can we do to grab their attention. No one will go far away if they find out the required service near them. Thus, it is important to target the right segment of the audience and ensure brand awareness.  Relevance Make sure that the services or products provided by you are relevant to what people are searching for. Any misleading information will not only downgrade local SERP ranking but also hurt the reputation of your brand. Always work on relevant keywords to be a star for your local customers. What they say Now, when you’ve hit the right target and know the relevancy of your products or services to the search queries made by people, it becomes necessary to check whether your customers are happy or not. What people are talking about your brand will tell you if they are satisfied or not and you can monitor this easily on social media and review section of your website. You must also interact with them to ensure complete satisfaction.  How we can help in building local SEO? Ranksoldier has years of experience in building strong and competitive local SEO of businesses and helping them gain high local SERP ranking. Professionals with us are known to adopt a strategic approach to touch upon every single aspect that can affect local SEO and that is one of the reasons behind our success. Here are several local SEO services that we will focus upon: Localization of website If you are targeting customers in different locations, then you must optimize your website accordingly so that local people can easily navigate through and make sure that they’ll get what they want. You must provide complete information about what you are providing and where you are providing. Creating specific location-based pages will also be helpful and we focus on doing everything mentioned for your website’s localization so that your business can expand locally as well.  Local citations The local citations can be defined as the mention of your business online and it is important to provide complete information including your company’s name, zip code, phone number, and other key details. We make sure that the right information is added to the website so that locals can easily find you. Local citations are of high importance in improving local search engine rankings as well.  Content optimization Another service that we provide to improve your local SEO is by optimizing the content that is present on your website for the local audience. We also create appropriate content for target people so that they can easily find out what you do and where you do. Our professionals keep working continually to find out the latest keywords that are being searched and optimize/create the content accordingly.  Google my business Optimization of Google my business account is highly important to ensure that you are being easily searched by local people. Ranksoldier not only optimizes Google my business account but also manages it to make sure that every information that has been put here is

How to beat your competitors on Google

How to beat your competitors on Google

Will it be wrong to say that Google is the king of Search Engines? Or it is wrong that every business wishes to appear high on Google’s SERP? None of this is wrong and one of the important factors to get online success is to appear best in the eyes of Google’s search engine bots. Digital marketing strategies along with SEO adopted by most of the businesses is to outrank competitors on Google. The competition is tough and everyone is trying to find out unique strategies to become different from the crowd and attract the target audience.  If you managed to get the desired attention of Google, your digital marketing campaign is on the path of success. We will tell you certain strategies that’ll help you out in beating your competitors online. How to rank above competitors on Google Know Google You might find it strange but yes, this is the first thing that should be considered if you genuinely want to stay ahead. It is important to know Google’s algorithm and how search results appear. While typing a query in the search bar on Google, three types of results appear that include paid, local, and organic search results. Let us see where they are positioned: Paid- At the very top and bottom. Organic- In between paid search results. Local- In between top paid and top organic search results. Thus, considering this, you should strategize your digital marketing campaign accordingly to outrank competitors in all these above-mentioned search results. Finding the right balance is the key and it could be well done by an experienced digital marketing agency.  Web directories Adding your business to local web directories is another strong step that you must take to ensure your presence above your competitors. Having a name in web directories is considered a positive sign by Google and also helps in improving the SERP ranking of the website. By doing this, people will be able to find your business easier than before. This will also result in increased visibility, improved reputation, and better lead generation.  Know your competitors How can you compete without knowing who is in front of you, what is their strengths & weaknesses are, and what are the strategies they are adopting to get attention? Thus, it becomes important to properly investigate your competitors before implementing any of your strategies. This will help you strategize unique & different ideas than your competitors to divert the attention of the audience to your brand. Knowing competitors will play a vital role in giving you a competitive edge over others. Doing market research will also be important for you to understand current trends and stay updated for achieving success.  Focus on content Content is always important and it always will be, thus, your focus should be on creating unique, informative, and compelling content. If you want to win the race of SERP ranking, content that you post on your website must be relevant and of use to the readers. This is also a key factor for Google’s search engine bots to prioritize a website. While creating content, don’t forget to add relevant images, infographics, and/or videos. Another point of focus during content creation is the quantity along with quality. To get the attention of bots as well as the target audience, there should be enough matter in your content that solves the purpose of readers. Providing incomplete information could be harmful.  Give special attention to social media In this digital age, it is very difficult to survive without having a presence on social media. So, to beat your competitors, it is important to have a strong social media presence. One thing to focus on while targeting social media is to choose the right channels. Depending upon your business’s niche, select social platforms where you can reach the target audience easily. One of the most important factors why every business wants to be on social media is the size of the audience it provides. Millions of users stay online on social media and you’ll find the target audience easily. Thus, create your profile on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, & Pinterest and post unique & engaging content regularly. By doing this, you will see a significant rise in the traffic of your website along with genuine leads and conversion rates.  Avoid stock image The majority of businesses use stock images while creating content for their website which makes them all same and that’s where you could be a little bit different. Wherever possible, avoid using stock images. Click personal photographs, edit them if required, and then post it wherever you want. This will be a huge plus for the reputation of your brand and it will also be recognized by Google’s bots. One thing you must keep in mind is to get priority in the eyes of Google, you need to post personal content as much you can.  SEO is most important It doesn’t matter which strategy you adopt; SEO will always be the key. You are required to ensure effective search engine optimization to ensure that you are being easily searched by people for specific queries. Ensuring this is the main factor to rank high above your competitors. SEO will make sure that your content is optimized according to specific keywords that are being searched frequently on the internet and this will increase the visibility of your website. SEO is not a fixed entity rather it is ever-changing and if you managed to learn & implement new SEO trends before your competitors, you can make the difference.  Simplicity is the best policy In this competitive world where everyone is trying to be unique, being simple will be the best for you. Whether it is your website design or the content you post on it, keep everything as simple as you can. If visitors are able to easily understand the message you want to convey or the information they are looking for, the chances of becoming viral & being shared by

How to Protect Your Site from Negative SEO

How to Protect Your Site from Negative SEO

SEO is not only the best practice for any website to gain high SERP ranking but it is something which is a ‘must’ for all. It doesn’t matter how beautiful, relevant, or informative content is present on your website, if your site is not search engine optimized, you won’t be able to overpower your competitors.  Just like a coin has two sides, SEO also has two faces and due to which several businesses experience low SERP rankings despite doing everything right even in the context of SEO. The reason for this could the attack of negative SEO on your website. There is no doubt that these kinds of attacks are not so frequent but still, it is important to take precautionary measures to avoid any harm to the reputation of your brand in the eyes of clients as well as Google. Before we move ahead, let us take a look at negative SEO.  What is negative SEO? Negative SEO is one of the black hat SEO practices generally used by your competitors to bring SERP ranking of your website down for a specific keyword. So, if it happens, you might see a sudden drop in search traffic of your website, any penalty notification by the search engine for violating Webmaster guidelines, and a drop in keyword ranking. Thus, prevention is always better than cure and hence, you must take appropriate action to avoid this threat on your site. Tips to protect your site’s SE Link Audits Just like your car needs regular servicing, it is also important to regularly perform an audit of your site’s backlinks. Doing this will give you the data on how your links are behaving. With regular link check, if you find out a sudden rise or drop in web traffic through those links especially when you are not making any efforts on link building, then this is a suspicious thing. In such situations, you must check all the links of your website and look for any malicious activity. Not only to protect your site from negative SEO but regular link audit is also important in maintaining a good SEO score. Keeping a record of your backlink profile will also be a good idea.  Best backlinks must be protected As the sole purpose of negative SEO is to hurt your site’s ranking and we know that backlinks play a vital role in improving & maintaining good SERP ranking. So, it is likely that those who want to hurt you will target your best or we must say established backlinks that are there on trusted sites and giving you genuine traffic. One of the ways by which they can hurt you is contacting the site owner at which your link is established using your name and request to remove that. Thus, it should be prevented and it is advised to always use email of your domain name while contacting for getting backlinks. Another thing that you can do is tag your valuable backlinks so it will become easier for you to identify when anyone gets removed.  Site speed monitoring The loading speed of your site is vital for maintaining a good SEO score. If your site is slow and it is taking too much time to load then visitors will move to another platform even before anything appears on your website and this will result in an increased bounce rate. While, if page loading speed of your site is good enough and suddenly you find it slower than expected, it could be the sign of spamming or we must say forceful crawling. To notice any suspicious activity, you can make use of a crawling software and if you encounter any, do contact your hosting provider or Webmaster.  Look for scraped content If your site has any content that has been picked from someone else’s website and Google has recognized it, then your site will lose value as content scrapping is not something Google admires. Thus, you must check for scraped content using a dedicated tool or software. If the scraped content is indexed first by search engine bots then the original one present on your web page will be considered copied and as a result, you will see a drop in search engine rankings.  In case any scraped content is found, you must request the site’s owner to remove that and if ignored or refused, it is advised to seek the help of Google’s Copyright Removal Form.  Regularly monitor Google my Business It takes a lot to build the trust of your clients and get positive reviews from them on your Google my Business listing. Yes, it is also true that not only positive ones we also get negative reviews and that is not a shameful thing. Negative reviews tell us what improvements are required to become better hence; we take them as motivation. But suddenly if you find out that Your Google my Business page is filled with only negative reviews especially when you have not made any mistake, then it is a sign that someone is trying to push you down. In such a situation, you must report fake reviews and to prevent worsening of the condition, you must regularly check into your Google my Business account and monitor it for any fake reviews.  Keep check of SERP ranking of your website A sudden unexpected drop in the SERP ranking of your website could be the result of any malicious activity on your site. Thus, it is always important to regularly monitor where your website is positioned for certain keywords. To keep check of this without much hassle, you can use rank tracking software and immediately call for action if the site drops down to an uncertain position. Before taking any big action, do check whether everything is on its place in Google Search Console or not.  Check social media mentions Spammers can cross any barrier to bringing down your website’s ranking for their own good. They can even enter social media by creating